Monday, May 24, 2010

Twitter, Facebook, Technorati, Photobucket...

I really can't believe the sheer size and scope of everything that's available online and in social media!

As this site will be, after all, a bit of a journey as I go through the twists and turns of a campaign, I feel it's only right to make a quick comment on the proliferation of social media as a campaign step!

I mean, I'm on facebook, and have been for some time, but it's the twitter, the various blog tracking sites like technocrati, the photo hosting sites like photobucket, the 'feeds', and of course Blogger and WordPress themselves that get complex! Just the sheer numbers of tweeks and add-ons for one little blog is quite astounding!

Anyway, here's a quick round-up of where I can be found on every social media medium!




Tina Jardine for Public School Board, Ward I

More to come! Oh, and for my Technorati blog claim... UA2DMRDEURWW .

Back to my leaflet!

- Tina.

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